Listen without limits

Play millions of songs ad-free, on-demand, and offline.

Why go Premium?

Download music.
Listen anywhere.

Ad-free music listening.
Enjoy nonstop music.

Play any song.
Even on mobile.

Unlimited skips.
Just hit next.

Pick your Premium

Listen without limits on your phone, speaker, and other devices.

$11.99/month after offer period
1 account

√  Ad-free music listening

√  Play anywhere – even offline

√  On-demand playback

Individual plan only. $11.99/month after. Terms and conditions apply. Open only to users who haven’t already tried Premium. Offer ends 31/12/22.

$15.99/month after offer period
2 accounts

√  2 Premium accounts for a couple under one roof

√  Ad-free music listening, play offline, on-demand playback

Terms and conditions apply. 1 month free not available for users who have already tried Premium.

$18.99/month after offer period
Up to 6 accounts

√  6 Premium accounts for family members living under one roof

√  Block explicit music

√  Ad-free music listening, play offline, on-demand playback

√  Spotify Kids: a separate app made just for kids

Terms and conditions apply. 1 month free not available for users who have already tried Premium.

$5.99/month after offer period
1 account

√  Special discount for eligible students in university

√  Ad-free music listening

√  Play anywhere – even offline

√  On-demand playback

Offer available only to students at an accredited higher education institution. 1 month free not available to users who already tried Premium. Spotify Student Discount Offer Terms and conditions apply.